Your home is unique, it represents your personality, taste and lifestyle. When we make your curtains, we can reflect all of these things. Curtains and Blinds are the furnishings that pull a whole scheme together. Often softening the room to give it that finished look we are all hoping to achieve within our home.

Curtains and Blinds can be made to fit your window perfectly, especially on those non-standard windows that architects love building these days. A good quality fabric can be chosen to suit your interior scheme perfectly rather than finding something that ‘will do’ from a shops range. You can feel the fabric, compare and contrast with a wide choice of colors and textures. Need to look at them at home? You can request a large sample to get a real feel for whether its right.
I liken investing in good quality fabric and handmade curtains to good quality clothes. Over time they will last not only in your current home, but the next, as alternations are made easier with quality hand sewing. Need to dry clean your soft furnishings every now and again? Depending on the fabric this is entirely possible as your curtains are handmade and will not fall apart!
Next, YOU get to choose the design! What heading would work for your room? Modern flat? Chocolate box cottage? On trend interiors? There is a heading for all homes from the on trend Wave heading to the cottage headed curtain. How full do you want them to? Cold room? Lets put some thick interlining inside and add some thermal lining. This also saves you money on heating a room. Hold on – We are into saving money in the long term already, and the curtains aren’t even hung yet?! Do you have some nice flooring and furniture in a sunny room? Curtains can protect these by blocking the UV rays.
We have chosen the fabric you love, linings and design. Now how about the option of borders, trimmings and even the ever popular pom poms! This really creates the bespoke look and a stand out design in your home.
My next reason to buy Made to Measure is the most important part. Customer service. When you buy made to measure from a small local business ,which is most often the case; you are dealing with a person who cares about you getting exactly what you want for your home. Bringing what you want to life is a physical journey for us. We can use our years of experience to advise and recommend exactly what you need quickly because we have done the ground work. We are the one’s yielding the scissors and needle creating a totally individual piece of work you will be happy with.
There is the option of your seamstress hanging and dressing your curtains for you. Another service you will not find from off the shelf packets of curtains. But that is another whole blog! If you are Considering made to measure curtains for a really investment in your home please drop us a line or give us a call for advice and a consultation.